I didn't get and brush chipped until later Sunday afternoon, I was too tired on Saturday and knowing it was going to rain today I needed to work on getting some chipped. We are hoping to get some dirt "fill" from down the road and we need it to go in that general area, that is why I "NEEDED" to get chipping done. Thankfully it is raining today, unfortunately it comes with heavy rain and strong thundershowers later this afternoon, so that won't be fun.
On Saturday I ran some errands and stopped by Kathie's to see all the quilts on display, I also got to see the other story quilts that were made, and of course mine was there! NO, I forgot my camera and therefore I didn't get a photos, sorry. I did get rewarded for a little act of kindness.....I was in the checkout line at CVS and the lady in front of me (she was walking with a limp) left the line to get something else, she came back and was going to get behind me and I let her get her "spot" back, she was surprised and while she was being waited on she handed me a coupon for 20% off my purchase! While this was not a big deal, I feel that even the little things that we do in life mean much to others, like sharing a smile, sometimes it changes the moment for the person who receives it! There is truth to "what goes around, comes around". So challenge yourself to share a "warm fuzzy" with someone today!!
A yummy picture to share with you for no other reason than, I baked a custard pie and wanted to show it to you, LOL.
I love, love custard pie and it's so easy to make, especially when "Betty" helps with the crust. I usually buy a box of BC pie crust mix and all you do is add water, and it tastes and looks like it's from scratch. The rest is real easy eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla and nutmeg for the top.
Next, in my random weekend are the yardsale goodies that I found. Saturday I found two pottery crocks ($2), they were cute and I knew that I would be able to find a use for them and they go great with my style, or lack there of, LOL. I also found a shelving unit that the lady said used to be on the top of her daughter's desk, she was selling everything and RVing south! So I asked how much and she said $5, I took it. It's sturdy and overall clean, there are a few stains on the shelves and one area on the end, you can't see it 'cause of the plaid hanging over the edge covers it. Here is where I put it, I added some of my fabric and trinkets, I am sure that I will tweek it more in the coming weeks. After I "live" with it for a while I might decided to paint it a more "prim" color like black?? If I do I will be calling on Deb, Gail, Granny, & Rose for their painting skills but for now it stays white!
Well enough randomness for now, I'm off to get some housekeeping done so I can play sew or work on other projects later, maybe??
Love the shelf and the crocks too! Wish we'd get some rain...I'd even settle for storms if that's what it took! Have a great day! :0)
ReplyDeleteThe shelf looks great. I love the way material looks when it's folded up and stacked on shelves. Love those crocks too. If you try one of the Magic Erasers they might take the marks off your shelves. I was skeptical about them when I first heard about them but I've used them on about everything and they really work.
ReplyDeleteWow Denise you got the deal of the week on that shelf unit... perfect for your material... looks like you have enough to make us ALL a quilt...hahahaha... Loving those crocks too...lucky girl. You know I am here if you decide to paint it... it looks fine now... Granny is right those Magic Erasers work amazingly well on just about anything.
ReplyDeleteMmmmm can you save me a piece of that pie... my mouth is watering... baking and cooking are just not part of my DNA... lol
Hope you have a great day and enjoy your sewing.
Hugs, Deb
I think you did very good with the shelf. It looks great and the crocks too. Enjoy your work.... I mean sewing! I can't wait to get home to work on some more 9 patches.
ReplyDeleteI really love the crocks! and of course the shelf, that was a good deal, if your like me, any extra storage is a plus. I wish we were getting your rain, it is sooo dry here, I've lost 3 maybe 4 trees in my yard and almost all of my shrubs are brown. Can't wait to see the peg shelf and what you do with it, I know it will be cute!