Here are the two wool projects that I have been keeping myself busy with.................
The bee skep one still has stitching around a few things, some stems and leaves as well attaching the second layer and putting a backing.
I only need to finish stitching around the edges of this sheep one and it is done, the thread on the left side is where I left off.
This past weekend my friend Debra and I went into my future hives (they are still at Debra's house until she moves) and checked them out to see what is going on inside. Two weeks ago one of them swarmed and settled into an empty hive and we were hoping to see brood in that one and in the original one we were hoping to see signs that a new queen has started her job.......
We did see some brood, hoping this weekend there will be more.
Wish you could smell the wonderful smell coming from inside.
My husband recently fixed his tractor bucket, it was wearing thin, so he had to add some reinforcement to the bottom, here he is welding them on.
Now that it is fixed, gotta get outside and mow so I can get him back on the tractor to move more dirt for me!! Hope you have a great day, see you in a few........